混凝土天使( Concrete angel )-- 看了會哭ㄛ
這是一首一聽再聽, 好聽的歌曲,MV與 歌詞內容是在講小朋友被家暴的受虐兒
拍攝的很好, 注意看影片中小男孩與小女孩的互動 ....
原來他也是一位.....混凝土天使 抱抱你們!
PS: po上網的幾天, 在新聞上又看到類似虐兒致死的案例...
願主保守在黑暗角落 沒有人看到 注意到的弱小靈魂, 求主自己與他們同在 有神的旨意!
願神讓我們都有顆敏感不怕事的心, 去關懷幫助問候他們.
Concrete Angel
name="allowFullScreen" value="true">http://www.youtube.com/v/ZLwwy-g2wkc&hl=zh_TW&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
She walks to school with the lunch She packed.
她帶著打包的午餐走向學校 Nobody knows what she'sNobody knows what she's Holdin' back Holdin' back Wearin' the same dress Wearin' the same dress
沒人知道她為何躊躇不前, 穿著昨日穿過的同件衣裳,
She hides the bruises with linen And laceAnd lace
(oh oh)
The teacher wonders but sheThe teacher wonders but she Doesn't ask Doesn't ask
It's hard to see the paIt's hard to see the pain
Behind the maskBehind the mask, Bearing the burden
Bearing the burden,Of a secret storm Of a secret storm ,Sometimes she wishes she was Sometimes she wishes she was Never born Never born
老師好奇卻什麼都沒問, 面具後的傷痛, 難以看透,
背負秘密暴風雨的重擔, 有時她寧願自己從未來到這個世界
Chorus: (合唱)
Through the wind and the rain
She stands hard as a stone. In a world that she can't rise above .
But her dreams give her wings,
And she flies to a place where she's loved.
Concrete angel !
但是夢想給了她翅膀, 於是她飛向她熱愛的地方,
混凝土天使 !
Somebody cries in the middleSomebody cries in the middle
Of the nightOf the night, The neighbors hear, but they turnThe neighbors hear, but they turn Out the lightsOut the lights
A fragile soul caught in the handsA fragile soul caught in the hands
Of fateOf fate.
When morning comes
It'll be too late It'll be too late
一個脆弱的靈魂, 被命運之手捕獲,
(Chorus) 合唱
A statue stands in a shaded place. 一座雕像挺立在陰影中,
An angel girl with an upturned face 一位天使帶著倒轉的面孔,
A name is written on a polished rock 一個名字寫在打磨的岩石上,
A broken heart that the world forgot. 一顆破碎的心已被這世界遺忘
(Chorus) 合唱
上帝永遠不會撇下我們與遺棄我們. 天使們最後都會回到天國的家裡去!